Sunday 14 April 2019

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship
It is the quality of habits, actions, and consumption patterns that impact the ecology of digital content and communities. The Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship are being subdivided into three Categories
Respect Your Self / Respect Others
  • Etiquette
  • Access
  • Law
Educate Your Self / Connect with Others
  • Communicate
  • Literacy
  • Commerce
Protect Your Self / Protect Others
  • Rights & Responsibilities
  • Safety (Security)
  • Health and Welfare
1. Digital Access
It is where the people in the society are able to participate or access in electronic fully which includes helping to make sure everyone has equal access to technology and understand the drawbacks and limitations when this access is withheld. Most of the people in society are using the internet to access online libraries or eBook. It also provides extended time for those students with special needs to work on their assignment or projects. Eg; Students attending in the online classroom.

Digital Etiquette

It is the way of appropriate conduct expected by other digital technology users. Digital Etiquette is mainly to become responsible digital citizens in this new society by not being inappropriate users. More than just being able to recognize inappropriate behaviour, good digital citizens should know how to act appropriately online. Speaking or texting on the cell phone while driving and carrying on loud cell phone conversations in crowded areas or at public performances are the inappropriate digital etiquette in the society. Moreover, texting while carrying on conversations really affects the pace of the conversations. Unwillingness to share public technology and using cameras in inappropriate places. Turning cell phone ringers to vibrate or silent when in public areas are the best etiquette in the society. Keeping cell phone conversations private by moving away from others and speaking with a soft voice. Moreover, giving awareness about the misuse of technology by adults can help in reducing the inappropriate practice of technologies. Most importantly stopping the vehicle in a safe area to use cell phones are the best citizen in the digital society.

Digital law

It is about how to use technology in an ethical manner such as not hacking into others’ information, downloading music illegally, plagiarizing, sending spam, or stealing someone’s identity.

Digital commerce

It is all about how to be an effective consumer in a new digital economy and be able to make smart, well-informed decisions relating to buying and downloading materials online. For examples; online shopping or buying and selling of goods online.

                                                        Digital Communication

It is the process of exchanging information online. Creating Facebook pages and the use of cell phones for text messaging and talking to people. Personal blogs and wikis to share information throughout the world. Another example could be the Wechat which is very much popular in the country like Bhutan and China to exchange information for commercial as well as for education and for other purposes.
Digital Literacy

It is the capacity of every individual to use technology and knowledge about where and how to use it. It is also the process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology in the school as well as in other organizations. In schools, learners must be taught how to learn in a digital society. In other words, learners must be taught to learn anything, anytime, anywhere. Learners must be taught how to learn in a digital society by helping them how to use the technologies, internet applications and how to use the technology effectively.
Digital Rights and Responsibilities

Digital citizens should consider that there is essentially a virtual bill of rights protecting everyone online. Thus, issues such as privacy, free speech, and so on apply to the digital user. The privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users, and the behavioural expectations that come with them. Digital citizens must know how to use technology in an appropriate manner.
Digital Health and Wellness

It is the elements of physical and psychological well-being related to the digital. It is about how to guard against the inherent dangers of technology. Digital Citizenship includes a culture where technology users are taught how to protect themselves through education and training. Users must also be taught about the threats and inherent dangers of technology in their life so that they are free or aware of the technology dangers.
Digital Security

It is that every good digital citizen should employ electronic precautions to guarantee safety such as creating secure passwords, not sharing passwords, backing up data, antivirus protection and surge control. Passwords can be created for word documents, PowerPoint presentations and another programme.