Co-constructive Tools

Co-constructive Tools

Students can use constructive tools to work cooperatively and construct a shared understanding of new knowledge. On ways of co-constructive is the use of the electronic whiteboard where students may post notices to a shared document/whiteboard. Students may also co-edit the same document from their homes.
We can integrate this tool in the future in our school by making online discussion among teachers and between teacher and students. 
For teacher to teacher, we can use the online template like (Google docs)to discuss on the school development programme, to discuss about the issues about the school and students simply from our home instead of spending huge time sitting in the conferencing hall. For teacher and students, we can discuss about the information about a concept if it is unclear in the class through online discussion.
It is very important to use this tools in the school because it creates conducive learning and it also help students to construct a new knowledge over a existing knowledge. When there is conducive learning than students will naturally bring a positive learning outcomes.
Link for discussion

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