Friday 31 May 2019

Cyber Bullying

What Is Cyber bullying?

Cyber bullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyber bullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content. Cyber bullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some cyber bullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behavior.

The most common places where cyber bullying occurs are:
Social Media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snap-chat, and Twitter
SMS (Short Message Service) also known as Text Message sent through devices
Instant Message (via devices, email provider services, apps, and social media messaging features)

Digital Awareness for Parents

The digital world is constantly evolving with new social media platforms, apps, and devices, and children and teens are often the first to use them. Some negative things that may occur include cyber bullying, sexting, posting hateful messages or content, and participating in negative group conversations. If your child posts harmful or negative content online, it may not only harm other children; it can affect their online reputation, which can have negative implications for their employment or college admission.

While you may not be able to monitor all of your child’s activities, there are things you can do to prevent cyber bullying and protect your child from harmful digital behavior:

Monitor a teen’s social media sites, apps, and browsing history, if you have concerns that cyber bullying may be occurring.

Review or re-set your child’s phone location and privacy settings.
Follow or friend your teen on social media sites or have another trusted adult do so.
Stay up-to-date on the latest apps, social media platforms, and digital slang used by children and teens.
Know your child’s user names and passwords for email and social media.
Establish rules about appropriate digital behavior, content, and apps.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Lesson Plan on Maths

Lesson Plan on Maths
Subject: Maths

Class: V

Chapter: Polygons

Topic: Area and Perimeter

Activity: Area and Perimeter Builder

Objectives: The student should be able to:
  • explore what happens to the measurement of a two-dimensional shape such as its perimeter and area when the shape is changed
  • build and draw geometric shapes and comp[are its perimeter and area.
  • identify real-life situations in which area and perimeter are usefully applied.
Resources required: computer (1 computer for assigned group students), Internet connection with access to PhET simulation, a photocopy paper.

Information input:
The area is the amount of two-dimensional space taken up by the object. It is measured in square units. A perimeter is the total boundary of the two-dimensional shape. If you want to provide fencing around the entire field you need its perimeter. Suppose you want to lay a pathway inside the field to keep a watch on your field you need its perimeter. The units of the perimeter are, cm, m etc.

Instructions: (20 minutes)

1. Read the chapter and understand the content

2. Use the google search engine and type in “PhET Simulations” in the search text box or use the link

3. Click on “All Sims-PhET Simulations”

4. Select “Area Builder”

5. Click the “play” button/download button and wait for few seconds (time to download application)

6. Click on the downloaded file on the left bottom corner

7. Click on the “Explore” button to run the application (need to wait for few seconds to load the application)

8. Click on the minus button on the top center of the simulation board

9. Drag 1 tile in the simulation board and estimate its area and perimeter.

10. Record your estimation in worksheet 1.1

11. Then construct a square using 4 tiles in the simulation board.

12. Estimate its area and perimeter.

13. Now take 2 tiles and repeat the step 11.

14. Repeat step 11 with 3 tiles

15. Repeat step 11 with 4 tiles.

16. Click on plus button on the top center of the simulation board

17. Now turn on the button on the left corner of the simulation board.

18. Repeat step 8 and compare your estimation with the reading given in the simulation board.

19. Go back to table 1.1. Record the readings given in the simulation board.

Follow up activity (15 minutes)

Discuss in groups why perimeter and area are not same.

1. Construct a triangle in the simulation board using ten tiles.

2. Measure its area and perimeter.

Assessment procedures
Go through the worksheet 1.1
Use the following checklist during the lesson
Sl. No
Group name
Write the value of the shapes in the space given below
Real value

Estimation of area
Estimation of perimeter

Drag 1 tile


Drag 2 tiles


Drag 3 tiles


Drag 4 tiles

Lesson Closure
Lesson will be closed by asking some questions to recapitulate the session taught.
What is area and perimeter?
Expected answer: The area is the amount of two-dimensional space taken up by the object. It is measured in square units.
A perimeter is the total boundary of the two-dimensional shape. If you want to provide fencing around the entire field you need its perimeter
Will a shape has equal area and perimeter?
Expected answer: No, it will not have equal area and perimeter

Activity for kids

Animal puzzle activities for kids 

1. This activity can be done in groups.

2. The teacher will divide the students into groups according to the availability of computers.

3. The teacher will provide this material to the students in the computers.

4. The teacher will ask student students to arrange the puzzles so that they will get the accurate picture of an animal in the space given below.

5. After doing this activity, the teacher will ask students to create their own puzzle activities of any pictures as per their choice.


1. Through this activity, the child will be able to develop hand-eye coordination

2. Develop creativity

3. Develop team collaboration

Friday 24 May 2019

Google Classroom

Concept of Google Classroom
Google Classroom Logo.pngGoogle Classroom is a free web service developed by Google for schools that aim to simplify creating, distributing and grading assignments in a paperless way. The primary purpose of Google Classroom is to streamline the process of sharing files between teachers and students. Google Classroom combines Google Drive for assignment creation and distribution, Google Docs, Sheets and Slides for writing, Gmail for communication, and Google Calendar for scheduling. Students can be invited to join a class through a private code, or automatically imported from a school domain. Each class creates a separate folder in the respective user's Drive, where the student can submit work to be a graded by a teacher. Mobile apps, available for iOS and Android devices, let users take photos and attach to assignments, share files from other apps, and access information offline. Teachers can monitor the progress for each student, and after being graded, teachers can return work along with comments.

We can integrate this classroom though by creating a separate folder in the respective user's Drive, where the student can submit their work to be graded by a teacher. we can also ask questions and discuss from home. Therefore, I feel that by using 'Google classroom', we will be able to save our work and the record of students performance for future reference.

How to add extension to create google classroom

  1. Go to google
  2. Type web store chrome
  3. Search chrome web store
  4. Type google classroom in search
  5. Click 'add to chrome' and click add extension
  6. Turn on synchronize
  7. Now open using google account (
  8. Click on 'Select theme' (choose any theme)
  9. Click on 'select class theme'
How to post the learning materials in google classroom
  1. Go to classwork
  2. Click on 'CREATE"
  3. Click on material
  4. Type the title and description
  5. Click on drop down arrow on "topic"
  6. Select create topic
Create quiz assignment using google classroom

  1. Go to Class Work
  2. Go to 'Create'
  3. Choose 'quiz assignment'
  4. Type the title, instruction and topic
  5. Click on Blank Quiz
  6. Type Quiz topic
  7. Then Write the questions
  8. Click on "Key answer" to award points.
  9. Click on '+' to add question

10. To add Photos

11. To add video
12. Type the title of the video on the dialog box
13. Click 'select' to add video

14. Click on '=' to add section

15. Finally go to setting and select 'See all summary chart and text responses'

To create attendance
  1. Go to classwork
  2. Go to create
  3. Click on quiz assignment
  4. Write the title (Class attendance) and description
  5. Select'+' and choose 'check box grid'
  6. Write the names of the students under 'Row'
  7. Write Present, Absent and Leave under column
  8. Go to setting and check see summary chart
  9. Finally go to preview and take attendance.

Link for Questions using google classroom

Steps for Camtasia Studio

Camtasia Studio

Camtasia Studio is a software created and published by Tech-Smith, for creating video tutorials and presentations
Camtasia consists of two major components:
Camtasia Recorder - a separate tool for capturing screen audio and video
Camtasia editor - the component for which the entire product is named, which is now a multimedia authoring tool with the industry standard "timeline" interface for managing multiple clips in a stacked track form.

Steps for Camtasia studio 
How to insert the text

1. Title clips

2. Type a name

3. Change the style

4. Click to story board and drag down the clip to it

Adding image

1. Click Import media

2. Insert any picture from the folders

3. Select the image and click open

4. Drag the images to the storyboard

Text inserting on image

1. Click on particular image

2. Click to callout

3. Click plus sign

Adding sound

1. Click import media

2. Select the sound you want to insert

3. Click open/ double click the sound to insert

4. Drag the sound to the track or drag (8) it to the storyboard (6)

Capture video using phone/online

1. Go to import media and select the files you want to import or insert

2. Click to show storyboard

3. Select all the image to insert at once

How to add videos in Camtasia studio

1. Go to import media (video) and select the files you want to import or insert

2. Click to show storyboard

3. Select all the video to insert in between the images.

Transition effects to the images

1. Click on the image that you want to apply the effects

2. Select any transition depending on your choice

3. Drag the effect in between the images and videos

Save the project to be continued in the next time

1. Click o the save project as

2. Select the folder that you want to save a project (eg. desktop)

3. Give the title of the project

4. Click to save button to save the project

Wednesday 15 May 2019

ICT Simulation

Steps to create simulation in PowerPoint

  1. Open PowerPoint presentation (Right click on blank space on desktop and click to new then click Microsoft PowerPoint)
  2. Type the title
  3. Click on insert on Menu bar
  4. Insert image form the existing files or from google.
  5. Select image and click insert.
To add animation

  1. Click on animation in Menu bar
  2. Select the pictures to be animated
  3. Select custom animation
  4. Select the best animation 
  • select entrance for appear or select motion path 
  • select emphasis for blink or to add more effect to particular image
  • select exit to make image disappear 
  • Finally click apply
To add music

  1. Click on insert
  2. Select sound
  3. Choose audio 
  4. Select Click insert
To add text

  1. Click on insert
  2. Select text box
  3. Type the text

Friday 3 May 2019

Summary about communication tool

Concept on Communication tool
The tools used to exchange of information across the globe by means of we-chat, twitter, Facebook and messenger etc...or it is the tool where we can communicate or contact with different types of people around the globe. It is also systems that facilitate communication between learners or between teachers or learners and teachers beyond the classroom (Chen, D., Hsu, JJF, and Hung, D. 2000). Examples: e-mail, chat/blog, social networks, bulletin boards, teleconferencing, video conferencing, mobile phones, digital camera, wikis.
There are two types of communication tool;
  1. Synchronous communication tool
  1. Asynchronous communication tool
1. Synchronous Communication ToolIt is a tool that is used as live communicating between the two users or it is a real-time communication between two users via computer. This kind of software or live chat software allows website providers to interact directly with visitors on their websites or applications, through some combination of chat/instant messaging and survey forms.For example: video conferencing, telephone calls and etc...for the producers to contact with consumers to buy the goods if it is about the business.

2. Asynchronous Communication ToolIt is a communication tool that happens between the two users (sender and receiver) at any time rather than according to some clock that is synchronized for both the sender and receiver or in real time. Asynchronous communications also include computer-based exchanges of messages for which the participants need not be available or online at the same time, but, rather, read and respond as their schedules (and desires) permit.
We can integrate communication tools by creating online discussion forums like google classroom, simulations, blog, and etc so that students get the clear picture of the particular concept or topic. It is because, children develop different kinds of skills that benefits in their life. Skills like problem solving or manipulative skills, collaborative skills or skills to work in team. Children will be also able to develop communication skills through online conferences like web conference, responding to google classroom, blogs, wechat, facebook, vle and etc... For this, we can use online video conferencing, google classroom, simulation for fun games to acquire different kinds of knowledge

Sunday 14 April 2019

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship
It is the quality of habits, actions, and consumption patterns that impact the ecology of digital content and communities. The Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship are being subdivided into three Categories
Respect Your Self / Respect Others
  • Etiquette
  • Access
  • Law
Educate Your Self / Connect with Others
  • Communicate
  • Literacy
  • Commerce
Protect Your Self / Protect Others
  • Rights & Responsibilities
  • Safety (Security)
  • Health and Welfare
1. Digital Access
It is where the people in the society are able to participate or access in electronic fully which includes helping to make sure everyone has equal access to technology and understand the drawbacks and limitations when this access is withheld. Most of the people in society are using the internet to access online libraries or eBook. It also provides extended time for those students with special needs to work on their assignment or projects. Eg; Students attending in the online classroom.

Digital Etiquette

It is the way of appropriate conduct expected by other digital technology users. Digital Etiquette is mainly to become responsible digital citizens in this new society by not being inappropriate users. More than just being able to recognize inappropriate behaviour, good digital citizens should know how to act appropriately online. Speaking or texting on the cell phone while driving and carrying on loud cell phone conversations in crowded areas or at public performances are the inappropriate digital etiquette in the society. Moreover, texting while carrying on conversations really affects the pace of the conversations. Unwillingness to share public technology and using cameras in inappropriate places. Turning cell phone ringers to vibrate or silent when in public areas are the best etiquette in the society. Keeping cell phone conversations private by moving away from others and speaking with a soft voice. Moreover, giving awareness about the misuse of technology by adults can help in reducing the inappropriate practice of technologies. Most importantly stopping the vehicle in a safe area to use cell phones are the best citizen in the digital society.

Digital law

It is about how to use technology in an ethical manner such as not hacking into others’ information, downloading music illegally, plagiarizing, sending spam, or stealing someone’s identity.

Digital commerce

It is all about how to be an effective consumer in a new digital economy and be able to make smart, well-informed decisions relating to buying and downloading materials online. For examples; online shopping or buying and selling of goods online.

                                                        Digital Communication

It is the process of exchanging information online. Creating Facebook pages and the use of cell phones for text messaging and talking to people. Personal blogs and wikis to share information throughout the world. Another example could be the Wechat which is very much popular in the country like Bhutan and China to exchange information for commercial as well as for education and for other purposes.
Digital Literacy

It is the capacity of every individual to use technology and knowledge about where and how to use it. It is also the process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology in the school as well as in other organizations. In schools, learners must be taught how to learn in a digital society. In other words, learners must be taught to learn anything, anytime, anywhere. Learners must be taught how to learn in a digital society by helping them how to use the technologies, internet applications and how to use the technology effectively.
Digital Rights and Responsibilities

Digital citizens should consider that there is essentially a virtual bill of rights protecting everyone online. Thus, issues such as privacy, free speech, and so on apply to the digital user. The privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users, and the behavioural expectations that come with them. Digital citizens must know how to use technology in an appropriate manner.
Digital Health and Wellness

It is the elements of physical and psychological well-being related to the digital. It is about how to guard against the inherent dangers of technology. Digital Citizenship includes a culture where technology users are taught how to protect themselves through education and training. Users must also be taught about the threats and inherent dangers of technology in their life so that they are free or aware of the technology dangers.
Digital Security

It is that every good digital citizen should employ electronic precautions to guarantee safety such as creating secure passwords, not sharing passwords, backing up data, antivirus protection and surge control. Passwords can be created for word documents, PowerPoint presentations and another programme.